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Foreign Currency Account

DenizBank Foreign Currency Account for Those Who Trade in Foreign Currency!

General Information

Individuals or businesses that trade and pay domestic or foreign solution partners in foreign currencies can benefit from exclusive offers by opening a DenizBank Foreign Currency Account.


  • You can make savings in foreign currency.
  • You can deposit and withdraw currency at any time.
  • You can make EFT and money transfers with the foreign currency in your account.
  • While it has the same features as classic checking accounts, you can use any currency that is valid in our bank.
  • You can profit from rate fluctuations and parity changes.
  • When you need counseling, you can get support from DenizBank investment experts.
  • You can manage your transactions related to your foreign currency account via the nearest DenizBank branches, ATM points, or online banking.

* Deposits opened in domestic branches in TL, FX and precious metals, except for those belonging to official institutions, credit institutions and financial institutions, are within the scope of insurance up to 950,000 TL in 2025, at each deposit bank, for each person.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make my transactions?

You can increase your savings in a foreign currency account by monitoring currency differences. You can save money by buying on downticks and entering sell orders on upticks.  You can make all foreign currency transactions with the help of branches, ATM points, online banking, mobile application, or 0 850 222 0 800 phone banking.