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Deposit Return Calculator

General Information

Deposit accounts, known as one of the easiest ways to build up savings, give you a return on interest in exchange for the commitment that your money stays in the bank for a certain period of time. This method, where you can earn while making your savings thanks to deposit interest rates, provides additional advantages with Denizbank's exclusive services.


  • It allows you to turn your Turkish Lira or foreign currency into risk-free earnings with the maturity period that suits you best.
  • In addition to the options of opening a 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month deposit account, you can set the desired period from one day to one year by creating a 'broken term deposit' account if you want.
  • If you want, you can come to DenizBank branches or use the Internet or mobile banking methods to open your deposit account instantly, so you can start earning instantly with special welcome deposit interest rates.
  • At DenizBank, you can invest without being affected by interest rate changes and increase your savings with advantageous term deposit interest rates.
  • Thanks to Denizbank's Deposit Calculator, you can quickly calculate the return of TRY, USD or EUR currencies and make your decisions accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Use It

Deposit account calculation is extremely easy at DenizBank. In just a few steps, you can view how much interest return is on your deposit amount in seconds and quickly decide how to make your savings.

  • You can quickly access the deposit calculation panel on DenizBank's home page.
  • You can choose your deposit type as TRY, USD, EUR or XAU on this panel that you can access via online banking.
  • After selecting the start and end dates, you can calculate branch rates or internet branch rates and decide on the most convenient saving option for you.

What does a term deposit do?

Deposit means that accumulations increase in value. In exchange for the commitment that your money stays in the bank for a certain period of time, banks invest with your money and, in turn, provide you with a return on interest through deposit accounts. It is one of the most advantageous and risk-free ways to invest and build up savings.

What happens if I want to withdraw money from my deposit account before it is due?

You will encounter options such as monthly, 3-month, 6-month or annual according to the agreement to be made when opening a deposit account. After you have selected any of them at your own request, you begin to earn returns with your money in line with term deposit interest rates. During these specified periods, you cannot touch the money, but if you want to withdraw the money in the time of need, you can withdraw your principal as is, without getting any interest income.

What is the difference between checking account and deposit account?

Unlike deposit accounts, checking accounts do not bring any interest income. You can withdraw your money from these account types, which can be opened as an individual or a corporation, at any time.

Unlike deposit accounts, checking accounts do not bring any interest income. You can withdraw your money from these account types, which can be opened as an individual or a corporation, at any time.

You can open a deposit account in a very practical and advantageous way at DenizBank. All individuals over the age of 18 can open a deposit account. Whether through DenizBank branches or mobile banking, you can have a deposit account in minutes with a few steps, and start saving instantly.

How is the calculation of deposit interest in deposit accounts determined?

Interest calculation in deposit accounts is determined by various factors. Interest rates may vary depending on the amount of money you have, how long you will keep the money in the bank, and the market conditions on that day. Denizbank's deposit interest rates always provide you with the most profitable returns.

How can I make my parity transactions?

You can manage your savings by connecting to markets via your computer or mobile devices 24 hours a day, 5 days a week in order to benefit from parity. You can request support from DenizBank foreign exchange investment experts and get help via phone banking if you want.

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