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Vision, Mission


DenizBank envisions becoming one of the largest five banks in Turkey and the foremost financial institution in the region defined as the Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus and Commonwealth of Independent States countries through sustained and profitable growth.


DenizBank’s mission is to become a bank that maximizes employee, customer and shareholder satisfaction with her position, image and corporate characteristics in the market by adopting a supermarket approach to financial services.

Corporate Values

DenizBank is an institution that

  • is transparent, fair, and accountable,
  • is responsible and sensitive towards the ecosystem it is operating in,
  • performs a kind of public duty in line with its corporate governance principles,
  • considers it its mission to support banking, growth and production by ensuring the smart distribution of resources in every field, and development of Türkiye,
  • creates value for the future generations based on its principle of collective wisdom,
  • has agile, qualified and experienced human resources,
  • distributes responsibilities rationally and fairly with the principle of being as close to and as far away from everyone as their job,
  • is an example and a leader in its sector with the importance it attaches to innovation,
  • is financially robust,
  • is a source of pride for all of the stakeholders, especially its employees.