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Executive Committees

Assets-Liabilities Committee

The Assets-Liabilities Committee convenes every week under the chairmanship of the CEO with the participation of the group managers and the Bank's Chief Economist who are involved in activities that may affect the balance sheet. The agenda of the meeting consists of the Bank's balance sheet, the business lines' activities, general economic data, and developing the weekly ALM strategy through the assessment of current political and economic developments.

Executive Credit Risk Committee

The Executive Credit Risk Committee convenes on a quarterly basis in order to assess the effects of the market and economic developments that may pose risk on the credit portfolio of DenizBank business lines and subsidiaries, to follow closely and make a general assessment of non-performing loans, to monitor the development of a collection of non-performing loans and make assessments on the provisions budget.

Disciplinary Committee

The committee works to identify actions and transactions that require disciplinary action in accordance with the Bank's internal legislation and disciplinary regulation, their perpetrators, degree of negligence, and possible losses. The Disciplinary Committee consists of the responsible Board Member, Executive Vice President in charge of Administrative Services of DenizBank A.Ş. and Human Resources Group Manager, Executive Vice President in charge of Operations, Head of Internal Control Center and Compliance, Director General in charge of Legal Affairs, Matrix Executive Vice President/Subsidiary, and the CEO, Audit Board Group Manager and Chairperson of the Audit Board of DFHG. The meetings are chaired by the Executive Vice President in charge of Human Resources. The Disciplinary Committee convenes when necessary and settle the issues on its agenda.

Purchasing Committee

Procurement Procedures have been formed for the purpose of making bulk or individual purchases, considering appropriate quality and price criteria, centrally within the Bank.

Purchasing Committee meetings will be held monthly, considering the availability of the members on a regular basis.

In the case of the Committee Members can not gather, the necessary details (requesting department’s approval, company selection, committee decision summary table) may be shared with the Committee Members via e-mail.

Purchasing decisions are taken by majority vote of the Purchasing Committee Members (who are entitled to vote) takin into account the opinions of the requesting business unit (department).

Communication Committee

It has been established to convey the features making up the corporate identity to the target audience with the right messages, projects, and mass media, as well as strengthening and promoting DenizBank's image. The Communication Committee convenes at least once a month. Opinions and suggestions are submitted to the Senior Council to be discussed and concluded.

Promotion Committee

The committee evaluates all employees of DFSG on their vertical (both title and responsibilities going up) and horizontal (change in title with the same responsibilities remaining) progress and makes the final decisions. The Promotion Committee convenes four times a year with the participation of all Senior Council Members, chaired by the CEO.

Convening four times a year, DenizBank Promotion Committee settles the requests for promotion of employees. It assesses the managers' requests for promotion of their employees based on the professional experience, knowledge, skills, in- company/outside-the-company training, and performance required by a higher position, and decides on whether to promote employees.