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DATE: 24 APRIL 2023

It has become necessary to make this statement due to the news and shares published by some news sites and social media channels using the name of our Bank and people well-known to the public.

Banking is a field of activity based on the registration system, founded on trust and reputation, and the banks in the sector are institutions whose service subjects are determined by law and are subject to supervision by superior institutions. In this context, all of the deposits entrusted to our Bank are of value guaranteed by law, and when deposited in banks, it is our legal obligation to pay them to the depositors upon request, without leaving any room for questioning.

Moreover, the money transactions that were covered in the news consist of;

  • Transactions that are given in cash outside of our branches by the claimants in order to obtain exorbitant interest income beyond the market conditions, and the returns are understood to be received in cash off-record,
  • Without any trace in the banking system,
  • Where no documentation is submitted in relation to our bank,
  • Where our Bank is informed of the situation only when there is a disruption in the money movements between the claimants,

In addition, it is known that the issued mutual funds are registered in the Central Registry Agency's (MKK) system and can always be viewed on MKK's website or e-Government with the Turkish Republic Citizenship Number.

As soon as we became aware of the matter, a comprehensive investigation was initiated by our Audit Department on the same day and simultaneously, necessary notifications were made to the BRSA Presidency and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office by our Bank itself.

We would like to inform you that the necessary action will be taken in line with the decision of the judicial authorities regarding the process.

You may find information on the entire process via this link.


DenizBank Financial Services Group