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Internal Audit and Risk Management

Internal Audit, Internal Control, Compliance and Risk Management are under the roof of DenizBank with their duties and responsibilities separated. These operations are carried out by the Audit Committee, the Internal Control Center, the Compliance Department and the Risk Management Department, based on domestic legislation and the requirements of DenizBank, within the framework of internationally accepted audit standards.

The Internal Control Center and the Compliance Department

  • With DenizBank and the group's activities in accordance with legal regulations and in-bank legislation; they manage activities aimed at reducing risks, ensuring reliable accounting, financial reporting and information system operations, ensuring solidarity and integrity. They submit the necessary reports to the Board of Directors/Audit Committee.
  • The operations conducted in this context are subjected to evaluations in terms of adequacy, compliance, and efficiency and reported by internal control and compliance personnel at certain periods.
  • This task also includes routine internal control and compliance reporting in coordination with domestic and foreign subsidiaries and branches.
  • The department provides information on activities, topics and organizations in quarterly periods.
  • Internal control activities are carried out through various groups such as Financial Control Department, Internal Control Department of Branches, Central Control Department, Fund Management and related Operation Departments, Control Evaluation and IT Control Department, Loans and Credit Cards Control Department.
  • Compliance activities are carried out through the Corporate Compliance Department and the Anti-Money Laundering Department.

The Audit Committee

  • Inspectors in the committee oversee the compliance of the group's activities with legislation, the Articles of Association, internal regulations and banking principles.
  • They work to maintain internal audit activities in an impartial, independent and attentive manner and to inform and train bank personnel.
  • They have five different control sections. These sections and their activities are as follows:
    • Audit of the headquarters' processes and subsidiaries: Annual risk assessments, the monitoring and analysis of the headquarters and domestic/foreign subsidiaries' processes according to the action plan,
    • Branch Audit: working towards the annual branch audit plan and its analysis.
    • Examinations and investigations: the examination and analysis of the bank-related damage, defect, abuse issues and taking measures,
    • Audit of Information System Processes: the analysis of all processes regarding the Denizbank Financial Services Group Information System,
    • Audit Management Office: the necessary planning, regulation, detection, updating, and reporting procedures on the audit activities of Denizbank Financial Services Group.

The Risk Management Department

  • The risk management group works to determine activity strategies and risk management regulations.
  • It shapes bank policies and practices by identifying, measuring, analyzing and reporting all current and possible risks.
  • The Audit Committee is responsible for all related issues by working in coordination with the Assets-Liabilities Committee, the Credit Committee, the Risk Committee and the Internal Control, Compliance and Audit Committee.
  • It works on identifying and tracking risk limits and developing risk management strategies, tracking, analyzing, evaluating and modeling credit risks, directing credit allocations of groups in question according to credit type, and managing operational risks.
  • Active in policy development, the department conducts the appropriate activities for various types of risk as follows:
    • Market Risk: Ensuring the adaptation to changing market conditions
    • Basel II/Credit Risk: The calculation of legal credit risk-weighted assets within the scope of the 1st Structural Block in accordance with the BRSA's Basel II regulations
    • Liquidity Risk: Tracking the adequacy of liquidity within the specified limits in order for the bank to have sufficient liquidity and reserves under all circumstances
    • Operational Risk: Recording all activities with operational risk in DenizBank and its subsidiaries, causes and effects of the events and collections made, including measures to prevent the events from recurring
    • Structural Interest Rate Risk: Monitoring the structural interest rate risk that the bank is subject to due to the structure of its balance sheet using advanced models and controlling the risks undertaken within specified limits.