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Banking Ethical Principles

DenizBank Senior Management ensures that bank employees and managers behave in accordance with and adopt the bank's code of ethics in accordance with the principles adopted in accordance with the article No. 75 of Banking Law No. 5411, and the bank performs its activities within the framework of these rules.

Within the scope of the ethical principles it has adapted, DenizBank takes into account the following elements in its activities in order to protect the rights and interests of account owners, to ensure confidence and stability in financial markets, to ensure the effective operation of deposit, credit and payment systems, to prevent transactions and practices that may cause significant damage to the economy, as well as to look out for social benefits and the protection of the environment:

  • Integrity
  • Neutrality
  • Reliability
  • Transparency
  • Looking out for public benefits and respect for environment
  • Combat Against Laundering of Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism
  • Prevention of Information Abuse
  • Avoiding unfair competition between banks
  • Implementing practices that increase overall confidence in the banking sector
  • Looking out for the common interests and reputation of the sector
  • Growing the banking system
  • Informing the customer about the products and services
  • Carefully keeping customer secrets
  • Making the best use of resources
  • Improving service quality and handling customer applications with precision
  • Accurately, consistently, completely and timely informing customers of products and services
  • Making and implementing managerial decisions required for compliance with all Principles of Banking Ethics published by the Association of Banks

DenizBank also works to increase the level of awareness of its employees through the procedures and messages it publishes on ethical rules and compliance. The published messages focused on the following main titles:

Complying with laws and regulations

Complying with the spirit of laws and regulations, knowing the general regulatory environment of the workplace (laws, regulations, circulars, procedures, internal announcements, and market practices).

Compliance Is Everyone's Responsibility

Taking responsibility for personal behavior and acting in accordance with ethical values.

Information Abuse

Taking all necessary measures to prevent the abuse of insider information belonging to themselves and their customers.

Privacy and External Communication

Evaluating confidential information with great care.

Customer Relations

Respecting customers, showing reliability.

Conflict of Interests

Ensuring that personal or other interests that conflict with customer interests do not affect banking transactions in any way.

Behavior in the Workplace

To help create a positive business environment.

Use of Social Media

Looking out for the reputation of our bank and other financial institutions in the sector while using social media.

Duties Outside the Work Environment

Acting in line with the ethical principles in activities outside the bank.

  • Click here to view the Banking Ethics Principles of the Association of Banks of Turkey.

For your feedback within this framework: