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Social Responsibility

General Information

DenizBank, which works to build our country and the future, puts its signature under the work aimed at developing social consciousness and social responsibility projects!


Our Social Responsibility Policy

Today, many institutions aim to interact with society not only through their commercial and financial services, but also through social responsibility projects in terms of catering to society. As DenizBank, a large family with its business partners, shareholders, employees and customers, we take steps that make a difference in many social projects independently of our products and services. While implementing projects that will contribute to social development in different areas, we shape our activities with the principle of openness and transparency in accordance with the principles of corporate governance.

By leading and contributing to projects aimed at developing social consciousness in the fields of education, culture, art and sports, we strive to work with all our might for the modern and conscious Turkey Atatürk aimed for. We aim to support the contribution made by our financial activities, which are connected with the sustainable future and the economies of the country, by spreading it to social areas. With many objectives such as protecting the rich accumulation of culture - art and cultural values, supporting and developing them through new initiatives, and supporting the achievements of individuals in the international arena, DenizBank focuses on a wide range of projects that will contribute to the country's development. In order to raise awareness of history, we consider it our mission to carry our national accumulation of knowledge into the future by enriching the publications of DenizKultur, which we have established with the aim of sharing scientific and objective research with a wide audience. Since financial welfare by itself cannot benefit society, we maintain our level of quality in social responsibility projects and the future just as we do in banking services by building our own language with the support of our “Deniz crew”. We consider supporting those in need with donations and help in all areas that require social solidarity as a basic principle of our sense of social responsibility.

Projects and Sponsorships We Have Conducted by Their Fields

  • DenizBank gives donations and grants to foundations, associations, educational institutions, public institutions, and organizations operating in the fields of culture, art, education, and sports under the name of social responsibility projects and
  • to individuals in need who personally make an effort to create social benefit in these fields. The donations are approved by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the regulations of the Capital Markets Board, the Turkish Commercial Code, and the Banking Supervision and Regulation Agency.
  • It publishes all donations and grants in the Annual Report as a list and presents them to all partners at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the year.
  • Denizbank's contracted sponsorships realize the works published by DenizKultur, hold cultural events and many organizations throughout the country.
  • DenizBank SME carries out social responsibility projects in the fields of education, culture - art, agriculture and sports.


  • The main sponsorship of "SME Summits" and "SME Support Meetings" organized by TOSYÖV (Turkish Foundation for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-Employed and Managers) and held in seven regions of Turkey


  • The main sponsorship of "SME Summits" and "SME Support Meetings" organized by TOSYÖV (Turkish Foundation for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-Employed and Managers) and held in seven regions of Turkey


  • Full-time education scholarships for a total of 120 students under the corporate sponsorship of the Turkish Education Association (TED)
  • Support for the IMECE project implemented by the Community Services Foundation (TOVAK) as the main solution partner of the Ministry of Education

Culture – Art

  • "DenizBank First Script First Movie Contest", which we held with the Turkish Cinema and Audiovisual Culture Foundation (TÜRSAK)
  • Support for the Alacahöyük Excavation, which stands out as the first national excavation in Turkey
  • The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th "International Istanbul Opera Festival”
  • The 12th International Bodrum Ballet Festival
  • IDSO (Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra) corporate sponsorship (since 2004)
  • The renovation of the Afife Jale Theater
  • With DenizKultur, which manages DenizBank Financial Services Group's projects that add richness to the culture, art and literature scenes;
  • 29 publications:
  • Ottoman history-recent history and prestige books: Ottoman Geography, History of the Republic, Turkish Economy in the Year the Republic Was Founded, Suleiman The Magnificent, Istanbul from the Past to the Present, The Sarikamis Tragedy, Ottoman Cities
  • Economics books: Global Financial Crises, Inflation, Devaluation and Interest Rates in Turkey
  • Travel books: The Yachtsman's Travel Guide, Diary of the Sea
  • 9 documentaries: Turkey's Memory Book, Istanbul's Historical Peninsula, The March 31 Incident, The Ömer Yilmaz Set, Bodrum, the Land of Endless Blue, Turkish German Comradeship in Arms, Recent History Photo Archive, Turkish Entrepreneurship in Europe, The Memory Book of Our Art
  • Audio literature: Stories Calling set 1 and 2
  • Musical productions: The Three Tenors Concert, J. S. Bach, Tuna Ötenel, Ömer Yılmaz
  • Exhibitions: The Ottoman Sultans exhibition
  • Publication of the newspaper "BelediyeDeniz"
  • The Diary of the Sea book for Fancy customers


  • Within the framework of the "DenizBank Agricultural Mobilization" project, which we implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock:
  • Distribution of 500 thousand books to 5 thousand villages
  • Donation of computers to 130 village schools
  • Photography contest and exhibition on "Agriculture and Man"
  • CD and Book of Agricultural Folk Songs


  • The financial support we provide to the Big Five, which are Galatasaray, Besiktas, Fenerbahce, Trabzonspor, and Bursaspor, and other prominent clubs in Anatolia
  • Our Fan Card portfolio
  • Manchester United Bonus Card
  • Official Partner of CEV, the continental governing body of volleyball in Europe

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Does DenizBank Work with in Social Responsibility Projects?

As DenizBank, we give donations and grants to foundations, associations, educational institutions, public institutions and organizations operating in the fields of culture, art, education and sports and to people in need who personally make an effort to create social benefit in these fields; the donations are approved by our Board and in accordance with the basis and regulations of the Capital Markets Board, the Turkish Commercial Code and the Banking Supervision and Regulation Agency within the framework of our corporate social responsibility. We publish all donations and grants as a list in our Annual Report and present them to all our partners at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the year.

What Social Responsibility Projects Has DenizBank Participated in So Far?

In terms of activities held under the name DenizBank Social Responsibility, we can give the following examples: Main sponsorship of “SME Summits” and “SME Support Meetings” in the SME field, full-time education scholarship for 120 students in the education field, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th “International Istanbul Opera Festival” and many books on various subjects that are published by DenizKultur in the field of culture and art, the "DenizBank Agricultural Mobilization" project in cooperation with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in the field of agriculture, and the financial support provided to many sports clubs in the sports field.